Drawing tools

Whithin Photonyx you can currently switch between three drawing tools :

To switch between these three painting tools :

  • Alt-click on the currently selected drawing tool in the toolbar or press D until you select the tool you want.
  • Using any of the drawing tools there is an easy way to draw straight lines using a keyboard shortcut (Shift).


  • Paintbrush

tb_paintbrush_s.jpg (1042 octets)Using the paintbrush you can paint any kind of stroke from the most hard-edged to the softest ones.

Paintbrush options palette

  • Airbrush

tb_airbrush_s.jpg (1032 octets)The airbrush is like the paintbrush tool. Use it to paint soft strokes. The only difference is that without moving when you keep your mouse-button pressed the area you fill seem to expand. This effect is alos visible when you apply color with this tool very slowly.

Airbrush options palette

  • Pencil

tb_pencil_s.jpg (1030 octets)Similar to the brush tool the pen allows you to draws hard-edged strokes on an image. There is nothing more on this tool except a constraint : you can only use 100 % hard-edged brushes. This is useful while you simply know that when you select this tool you won't get any feathered stroke.

Pencil Options palette

One of the greatest advangages of Photonyx is that you can at any time customize the brush size and shape for any of your the current brush associated with the paint tools. To do that modify the brush settings at any time in the Brush Editor Palette.